EVERYONE IS INVITED – Welcome to RightNow Media! It’s like the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies” … a HUGE library of faith-based videos for adults, students and kids – and it’s all available from your iOS or Android device, your PC or Mac, and even your TV.

Our Discipleship Team is excited give you access to the entire library for free, and not just you, but your family and your friends too! All you have to do is register online by clicking the “sign-up” button here:

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WE HAVE OUR OWN CHANNEL – Please read this notice: RightNow Media has assembled (and produced) an incredible, vast library of content authored and taught by mostly conservative Evangelical Christians.

Many of these Bible teachers, if not most of them, are well-known teachers / speakers with some kind of close connection to Southern Baptist churches and doctrine. Yet, with thousands upon thousands of titles in the library, we do not want our enthusiastic endorsement of RightNow Media to be perceived as an endorsement of every title and every author / speaker in the library.

Along these lines, we have created our own custom channel with links to titles and authors that we can recommend with a much higher degree of familiarity. Our Channel is aptly entitled “First Baptist Church of Tampa.” Once you are registered and logged into the RightNow Media Homepage, just click on the “First Baptist Church of Tampa” link in the left-hand sidebar, or you can just click the image below:

WE NEED YOUR HELP – As you dive into the library and begin to invest in the studies, we would appreciate your feedback on titles that we have included in our channel, and your recommendations of titles that you feel we should add to our channel.

INVITE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS – Our subscription with RightNow Media includes a free account for everyone connected to our church family. Look for the “send invites” button in the top right-hand section of your dashboard, and make sure all of your family and friends can take advantage of this resource.

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