Event Series Basketball for Adults

Basketball for Adults

Gymnasium 302 W Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, FL, United States

Come out and join us for a fun, friendly game of pickup basketball! This is a great chance for adults to get active, enjoy some friendly competition, and build community. All skill levels welcome!

Event Series Amazing Love Ministries

Amazing Love Ministries

Amazing Love Ministries 3304 E. Columbus Drive, Ybor City, FL, United States

Our church volunteers with Amazing Love Ministries on the second Monday of each month, serving home-cooked meals to the homeless in Tampa Bay. This community effort relies on volunteers from local churches and the wider community, working together to offer support and share hope and love.

Event Series Women On Mission

Women On Mission

4th Floor Loft 302 W Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, FL, United States

The Women on Mission meet to focus on missions, outreach, and service opportunities. Join us as we come together to pray, plan, and support local and global mission efforts.

Event Series Choir Practice

Choir Practice

Sanctuary 302 W Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, FL, United States

Join us for choir practice on Wednesdays at 7:45pm, where we come together to rehearse and prepare for upcoming worship services. This time is dedicated to refining our voices and deepening our musical ministry as we seek to honor God through song.

Event Series Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

The Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets at Pach's Place in the Tahitian Inn, on the second Thursday of each month for fellowship, prayer, and encouragement. Join us as we gather to lift each other up in faith over a hearty breakfast.