UPWARD 5G 2019-2020 Registration Available Now

Registration for fall / winter 19-20 UPWARD Baskeball at FBCTampa is open now.


Awana Kids Ministry Starts Up August 21

Awana, a ministry of FBC Tampa, is designed to help children know, love and serve Jesus. Children do this through handbook time, where children are challenged to memorize God’s Word, and through large group study and game time. Awards and points are given to encourage each child to work diligently!

Awana is held on most Wednesday nights beginning August 21, 2019-May 6, 2020 from 6:15-7:30 pm. It is for children 2 (as of September 1, 2019) through 5th grade.

We would love to have your child(ren) join us for Awana 2019-20!

Contact:  Stephanie Teasley, (813) 251-2425 | awana@fbctampa.org



VBS is Coming in June

This is the most awesome week of the year at FBC Tampa – a free VBS for kids ages three (born before September 1, 2015 and potty-trained) through completed fifth grade.

UPWARD Registration Available Now

Registration for fall / winter 18-19 UPWARD Baskeball at FBCTampa is open now. CLICK HERE Read more

Awana is ready for new year

Awana is back! Starting Wednesday, August 22, 2018.

    • Kick-off / orientation August 22, 2018 starts at 6:15 p.m. in the Kid’s Zone.
    • Clubbers meet regularly from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday.

Read more

Free VBS June 4-8, 2018 at FBC TAMPA – Register Now

Game On!

Grab your pom-poms, lace up your cleats, and tune up your horn. It’s time to gear up for the big game! It’s go time! Whether you’re the type to root from the stands, march in the band, cheer on the field, or hustle to the line, the time is now- it’s Game On! Read more

Serve at SantaFest December 2

On December 2nd, FBC Tampa will have a craft table at Santa Fest, a citywide event at Curtis Hixon Park. Individuals are needed to take one 2 hour shift from 9 to 4 pm and interact with families as you help children with a very simple craft. Read more