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Car Show and Barbecue, Free Event at FBC Tampa

FRIDAY NIGHT – OCTOBER 19, 2018 Free Event | Across from University of Tampa 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. All are welcome | Bring a friend Jeeps | Classics | Trucks | Sports | Motorcycles First Baptist Church of Tampa 302 W Kennedy Blvd Right across from Plant Park / U.T. Contact Boe Ellis | boe@fbctampa.org | (813) 533-5538

Culture Link Mission Team-Leader Training

We are excited to be hosting as part of our GO Conference schedule a super training for mission team leaders. October 18-19, 2018 Mission Team-Leader Training with Culture Link  The Tampa Bay Baptist Association is excited to bring back to Tampa for a third time Culture Link’s trusted mission team-leader training. It’s an all-day Thursday and half a day Friday event that will be a huge blessing for your church’s missions ministry and for your missions partners overseas and right here in North America. We want to help you make the most of your short-term missions opportunities. And this training can really, really help.