Missions Update: South Africa Trip Postponed
March 25, 2020 – Our South Africa trip, originally scheduled for May 19, 2020, has been postponed. We will announce our future date as soon possible.
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud fbcadmin contributed a whooping 202 entries.
March 25, 2020 – Our South Africa trip, originally scheduled for May 19, 2020, has been postponed. We will announce our future date as soon possible.
You can connect to any one of our adult Core Groups this Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. – ONLINE, or by PHONE.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE Join us on FaceBook Live this Wednesday night as we gather online with Pastor Bob for a time of devotion and prayer: Wednesday night, March 18, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
FBC Tampa will continue to gather online. Join us for small-groups and worship this Sunday, March 22, 2020:
FBC Men’s Breakfast will not meet in the dining room this Saturday. Instead, we will gather online together at 8:00 a.m., March 21, in a show of our unity with Christ and with one another.
First Baptist Church of Tampa small-groups and worship will not meet in person this Sunday, March 15, 2020. Our worship service will be available online-only here. Please click here for an important announcement from our Pastor, Bob Block.
STATEMENT TO OUR CHURCH FAMILY CONCERNING THE CORONAVIRUS FBC Tampa Church Family, Out of an abundance of caution due to the Coronavirus, we have thoughtfully and prayerfully decided to forgo gathering in person as a church for Core Groups or corporate worship and instead broadcast our service online this Sunday, March 15th. Over the last couple days, we’ve been monitoring the ongoing situation with the Coronavirus or COVID-19 and how to best respond as a church in order to stop the spread of the virus and protect the most vulnerable among us. This morning has been filled with phone calls and conversations amongst our pastors and leaders in our church as we pray and seek wisdom for how to both trust the sovereignty of God and practically care for His people. While we realize the significance of gathering on the Lord’s day and recognize the sovereignty of the Lord, we also bear the responsibility to care for those amongst the flock of God, especially those who are most vulnerable. This decision has not been made in isolation nor been made without difficulty. The health of our church family, who we love, is our primary concern. In addition to not gathering as a church body we have also decided to cancel/postpone our Middle School Retreat as well as our Nepal mission trip. We will also not gather as a church body this upcoming week including but not limited to our quarterly Wednesday night Members Meeting, Student Ministry, or Children’s Ministry activities. We will continue to monitor the situation moving forward and make decisions about future worship times and public gatherings updating you as information comes available. Thanks for being willing to trust leadership here at FBC as we navigate how to best care for everyone in this process. FIVE RECOMMENDED RESPONSES TO THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: Look to Jesus In a world of panic and worry, we encourage you to not fear, but to look to Jesus. He is our provider, protector, sustainer, and healer. Take Necessary Precautions The CDC recommends cleaning your hands often, avoiding close contact with others, and sanitizing your home. For more information to help stop the spread of illness, please visit: CDC Tips to Stop Spread of Virus Pray Diligently In light of the coronavirus, the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention has asked the members of all its 47,500+ churches to commit to a dedicated time of prayer this Sunday, March 15. Find out more about the Day of Prayer and how you might join in prayer here: Corona Virus Day of Prayer Care for Those Around You Particularly Vulnerable In times like this there is a temptation to pull away from community in protection of self. Make sure you continue to reach out to each other, encourage each other, and care for each other. Also, consider how to love those around you without the hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Inform Us if You Need Assistance or Know of Someone Who Does As a church family we want to care for one another and as church leaders we want to care for you. If there is any way we care for you specifically please feel free to reach out to us or to your church family.
Phone: (813) 251-2425 | Location: 302 W Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33606.