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Missional Life Institute Summer Semester

Begins June 6 @ 6:30 p.m. The summer Missional Life Institute semester offers four courses: “Evangelism” (Room 405) designed to help train individuals on how to share their faith led by Chris Haight and Joe Teasley; “America and God” (Room 300) explores the Christian values that helped form this nation led by Mike Horton; “The End Times” (Room 400) unpacks what is in store at the end of the world led by Brian Dembowczyk; and “Thriving as an Artist” (Chapel) helps artists use their gifts for God led by Kevin Cook. Register online or contact Brian Dembowczyk for info.

Summer Women’s Bible Study

Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted Mondays @ 7 p.m. beginning June 18 The summer women’s Bible study will walk through this study by Pricilla Shirer. You can register to be part of this study group online and learn more about Shirer or the study online.