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Church Giving Survey

The Stewardship Committee compiled a brief Church Giving Survey for FBC Tampa members and regular participants to complete. This survey was part of the financial report distributed on Sunday, June 2. The anonymous survey can also be accessed and completed online for your convenience. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey…your input is valued. 6.19.13 Update: THE SURVEY HAS BEEN CLOSED. Thank you for your input!

Why People Aren’t Involved in Small Groups

On a typical Sunday morning, we’ll have about 350 people in adult and children’s worship and about 250 in Bible Study Core Groups. That means on any given Sunday, we have about 100 people attend worship but not a Core Group. Accounting for a handful of first-time guests, that still leaves roughly 75 regular attendees and members who attend worship but not a small group Bible study just before it. This gap is not uncommon. But is it acceptable?

Summer Schedule

New Summer Schedule Wednesday and Sunday nights are going to look a little different during the summer. Here is the Wednesday schedule that will be in effect from June 5 through August 28:

Bible Study Core Group Leader Dessert

Tampa Bay Rays starting pitcher David Price is in the middle of a rather unusual situation with an umpire. Apparently, some words were exchanged between the two at a game on Sunday and Major League Baseball is presently investigating. Price claims the umpire cursed at him. The umpire claims Price is lying. While it’s not unusual for umpires and players to exchange words – even heated ones at times – what is rather unusual is for this to flare up to the point of being a news story.

Principles of Giving

I am currently teaching a Missional Life Institute New Testament survey course designed to help participants understand the big ideas of each book of the New Testament. It’s a fun “dot-connecting” sort of course that moves rather quickly, while affording a few minutes here and there to drill down more deeply in pockets of each book. As I was preparing for a recent class discussion, I spent a few minutes exploring the principles of giving found in 2 Corinthians 8-9. In light of a message Pastor Bob preached on January 27, I thought it might be helpful to walk through the following seven principles and comment how each one should impact us as individual believers:

Why Should I Be Part Of Upward Sports?

Upward Basketball & Cheerleading is now in full swing and children are registering for the upcoming season. Although it is still several weeks away, we are already in “crunch time” in terms of lining-up key leaders for this ministry.

Super Cool Summer 2012

Coming this summer! Information is now available for the Super Cool Summer events. Super Cool Summer begins June 10 and runs through August 19 and features six church-wide fellowship events on Sunday afternoons or evenings.