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2014 Prayer Walk Initiative

In January 2014, we will launch a prayer walking initiative with the goal of praying over all of South Tampa from I-275 south. During prayer walks, teams of 2-4 people walk along designated streets and pray for what they see, being sure to note needs and opportunities for advancing the gospel. The area has been divided into 12 major areas with a number sections within each. Families and individuals can take maps of assigned areas to prayer walk at their convenience and we also schedule corporate times to prayer walk. Learn more about this initiative or learn more about prayer walking in general by watching this North American Mission Board video:  

Billy Graham “My Hope”

My Hope America is a nationwide campaign sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association designed to present the gospel using life-changing testimonies and messages from Billy Graham. Families are encouraged to open their homes and schedule a time to watch a video and talk about it with their neighbors, friends, family members, coworkers, etc. Learn more about this campaign by using the following links: Basic Information http://myhopewithbillygraham.org/ Watch the Videos Online and/or Download them to Your Computer http://myhopewithbillygraham.org/programs/ Order a DVD of the Videos http://store.myhopewithbillygraham.org/dp/1593284128? Find When the Videos will be Broadcast http://watchbillygraham.com/ If you are interested in hosting a group and are looking for help or others in the church to partner with you, contact Brian Dembowczyk.

Church Constitution & Bylaws

Part of the discussion during the October 16 Quarterly Members Meeting will center on proposed revisions to the church Constitution and Bylaws. You can view the current Constitution and Bylaws by visiting fbctampa.org/bylaws.

Church Picnic

Sunday, October 13 (1:00-5:00 pm) Everyone is invited to head out to the Tampa Bay Baptist Conference Center (15061 Lake Magdalene) for a church picnic on Sunday, October 13. Dress casually that morning and head to the conference center after morning worship. The picnic begins at 1 pm and goes to 5 pm. Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, beans, and cookies will be provided for $5/person, $20/family max. We will celebrate baptism at the lake as part of the picnic. Softball fields and other outdoor games are available as well. Bring a folding chair, sports equipment, picnic games, etc. Please register online by October 9 so we can plan the purchase of the food. You can also pay for the picnic online as well if you like. Register and pay online. Contact any staff member for more details.

Christmas in the Park 2013

FBC Tampa will partner with Exciting Central Tampa Baptist Church once again for Christmas in the Park this December. The concert event will occur on Friday, December 20, Saturday, December 21, and Sunday, December 22 at Central Tampa Baptist Church, Stewart Middle School, and Curtis Hixon Park. A prayer walk and invitation distribution will take place on Saturday, December 14. Mark your calendars now to keep these dates free. More details will be shared soon.

Fall Discipleship Offerings

The fall discipleship schedule has been finalized and here are the major opportunities available for you: Introduction to Evangelism Wednesdays 9/4 – 10/30 @ 6:45-7:45 pm in the LifeTree Cafe This Missional Life Institute course is designed to help you understand what evangelism is and to teach practical and effective ways to share your faith in Christ.

Want a Fun Way to Grow as a Disciple? How about a Conference?

I love attending conferences. I always have. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there is something about being part of a conference that energizes me and I rarely have attended a conference without finding great value in it. If you’re looking for a fun way to grow in your relationship with Christ and as a missional disciple, why not consider one of these conferences:

Upcoming First Steps Course Opportunity

The next First Steps Course will be held on Sunday, July 21 from 5:30-8:30 pm in the LifeTree Cafe. This course is designed for anyone who is exploring becoming a member of FBC Tampa and for those who are completing their membership process. The course walks participants through the purpose and vision of FBC Tampa and some of the church’s basic beliefs.