VIDEO: Reflections on Cuba – June, 2018
FBC Tampa is blessed to have a rich missions partnership with the Eastern Baptist Convention of Cuba. Come along as our own Jose Lubrano reflects on our recent trip in June of 2018 (video).
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud fbcadmin contributed a whooping 202 entries.
FBC Tampa is blessed to have a rich missions partnership with the Eastern Baptist Convention of Cuba. Come along as our own Jose Lubrano reflects on our recent trip in June of 2018 (video).
Join us for Sacred Parenting this fall for eight weeks.
FBC Tampa’s GO Conference is coming again this October 17-21, 2018, and we are excited to announce the official scheduling of two greats training opportunities – open to all of our sister churches in the area. Contact our Boe Ellis (813) 533-5538 for more info, and see below for all the details.
We are taking the Gospel to Cuba on June 12, 2018 and we want to take some other things with us. Will you help us with:
Wednesday Nights June 20 thru July 8, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. Join us on Wednesday nights this summer at FBC Tampa for our summer discipleship series featuring two new classes:
Our men’s breakfast is back in the FBC Tampa dining room Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 7:30 a.m. Come early if you want to cook.
FBC Tampa’s vision for taking our VBS on the road to Boston this summer has grown. In response to the increase in the number of kids expected, we have made some changes in the dates. The trip is scheduled now for July 28, 2018 to August 4, 2018 – Saturday to Saturday.
FBC Tampa was blessed in March, 2018 to send a team to Kathmandu, Nepal to serve its partner, Pastor Dan Pokharel and Global Mission Nepal. Upon returning to Tampa, the team members were asked to stand before the congregation and give a short testimony. This is the testimony of Annette Harrington.
Our San Diego Mission Trip has had a date change: the new dates are Saturday, July 7, 2018 through Saturday, July 14, 2018.
Join Rob & Pradeepa Kjelden from FBC Tampa, and Ro Beckm from Open Doors for an intimate night of testimony and prayer for the persecuted church around the world. Guests welcome.
Phone: (813) 251-2425 | Location: 302 W Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33606.