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Children’s Ministry Purim Celebration

The Children’s Ministry (Kindergarten- 5th Grade) will celebrate Purim with a carnival in the Children’s Theater on March 16 from 4-6 pm. with food, carnival games, and costumes. Children are invited to dress as their favorite character from the Purim story. Giving to the needy is part of the traditional celebration so we will be collecting canned goods to donate to Amazing Love Ministries.

2014 Vacation Bible School

This year’s Vacation Bible School theme is Agency D3: Discover, Decide, Defend based on 1 Peter 3:15. VBS will be the week of June 16-20 where children will discover, decide, and defend the truth about who Jesus is. Invite your friends and family to join in on the action. VBS runs Monday through Friday from 8:45 am to noon each day. Register online at  https://kideventpro.lifeway.com/myChurch/?id=24796. Contact Claudia Lang for more information.

Vacation Bible School Recap

Just wanted to give you a few statistics from the week at Vacation Bible School: We enrolled 175 children in VBS and had an average attendance of 137. You might be interested to know that on Monday we had 133 in attendance and ended the week on Friday with 140 in attendance. We had at least 100 children participate in Family Night. We only had enough cookies because Olwen Peters went into her cookies stash for us!